Friday, June 16, 2006

Training Snobs

As I've been putting more time into my training, I've been struck by something odd. There are a lot of training snobs out there. As I go biking or running, if I see someone else doing what I'm doing, more often then not, I'll give them a wave or a head bob or a hello. There are times that I get return gesture, but I can't believe the number of times that people won't even break their stare to glance over and smile. I know they see me. If we're biking, I know that I notice all the cyclists and look at what they're wearing and riding, and they don't??? If I'm running and someone is coming in the opposite direction and we both move over to make room, do they not see me wave? Is it just me, or do you people have some sort of notion that you're actually training for the Olympics? What is so serious that you can't glance over and crack a grin? Is it that my bike is too old, that my tires aren't super slim, that I have clip-in pedals, or that I don't run with an iPod? Seriously, I don't care how fast or slow you're going, how much better than me you are, or how expensive your bike is. The fact is, if you're "out there doing it" all the rest of us who are "out there doing it" know that actually getting out there can be the hardest part, so is it really going to kill you to encourage (or at least acknowledge) the effort that others are making?


Sue Matthews said...

Maybe it's the spandex...

Sherri Lavender said...

maybe the spandex? how about absolutely!

not yours of course, Nick, it's THEIRS. too tight! you should start yelling after you have unreciprocated waves or smiles - "What's the matter with you? Your spandex too tight?"

keep movin'!

Cliff said...

It's all about the spandex...

I only become a snob when I am training for race settings. This means race pace, race focus and race mentality. I still wave whenever i can but my mind can handle a few things at once. Focus on race pace and I can't focus on waving.

Born To Endure said...

I'm shy..I can't wave...just kidding..:-D